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Thursday, February 3, 2011

Urdu Language

Urdu historically spelled “Ordu” is an Indo-Aryan language of the Indo-Iranian branch, belonging to Indo-European family of languages. It developed under Persian, Arabic and Turkic influence in South Asia during the Delhi Sultanate and Mughal Empire. Standard Urdu has approximately the twentieth largest population of native speakers, among all languages. It is the national language of Pakistan. There are 60,503,579 people speaking Urdu language on World total basis.

 Urdu is often contrasted with Hindi, another standardized form of Hindustani. The main difference between the Hindi and Urdu is that Standard Urdu is written in Nastaliq calligraphy style of the Per so-Arabic script and some words are taken from Persian and Arabic, while Standard Hindi is written in Devanagari and has inherited significant vocabulary from Sanskrit. 

Linguists therefore consider Urdu and Hindi to be two standardized forms of the same language. Because of Urdu is slightly similar to Hindi, speakers of the two languages can usually understand one another, if both sides refrain from using specialized vocabulary. Indeed, linguists sometimes count them as being part of the same Genetic language. Urdu and Hindi are socio-politically different, and people who self-describe as being speakers of Hindi would question their being counted as native speakers of Urdu and vice-versa.

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